Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Cigarette hints
stifling smoke
on my thoughts,

I fall deeper into her haze.
(Cue quickened pulse.)

Smoke rings tiptoe shyly,

mistaking her for friend.

Regardless, lips collide.

I taste the addiction
nicotine lexis

crash on my neck.
Hot breath, hers.

Be the One

Head back, drawn out “E” motions.
He spoke with his hands,

battering forgotten melodies
in her head.
She’d listen, waiting for her turn
sing the tune they knew
all too well.
But his singing soured,
and she retreated to silence.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Clumsy lips, letting just
any old thought out.
I'm spilling my guts
to the receiver of this phone.
Hello, hello?
Unphased by unsatisfactory advise,
I can't stop now, won't stop.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Pearly white sharks
find my lips; left trembling,
awaiting another attack.
Mouth turned gaping,
my thoughts make tracks.
Tightly tying tongues,
you flash me smiles lacking intent.
All the while
your wandering eyes find my
empty head appealing.
Ripe to fill, with you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Her lips looked, kissed.
Scrounging up leftover tears,
she put on a show for me.
Lackadaisical half truths
split her tongue
with each syllable.
I tallied the times
she blinked, thinking
I wouldn't notice.
She knows all the right lines.
So for now, words form
fumbling out transparent lips.
I'm fine.