Thursday, April 28, 2011


We’re only rhythms:
breaths expressed spent compressed
for future syllabic vivacities.
But look how far we’ve come,
glance right to over the shoulder
circumstantial sighs while
over to the left accrued tongues tied
neatly knotted charted plotted.
And what’s become?
My speech as dull as
everyone’s thoughts:
running drain drills.
At least my head’s still spinning,
axis askew.
Oh, and Hallelu! for carbonation rejuvenation
(saving souls from sanity.)
Keep cloudy between my ears friend,
or foe. Phantom perceptions never know.


Eardrums clanked kitchen cutlery
whisking words to sisters
like they had aspirations.
Oh, sit still or Madam Im adaM
will find someone who will.
I swear I’m on fire this time.
Prefer risk of repetition?
Tell your friends’ friends.
Unexpected plot twist.

Plain Sight

Plans left in plain sight,
law applies.
Knowing what was to come
I jumped. Spun twice.
And held my breath with both hands.
Eyes slammed tight,
I exhaled empathy.
But she couldn’t see either.
And as my empathy zeroed in
her sympathetic strategy
took effect, and I was gone.