Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shadow Envy

Lover lays close, well
too close to my
raged depraved hungry
hollow eyes.
Reluctant honesty writhes
closer by the hour and
my past is a good excuse.
I promised things differently.
Lover lay closer, let
dollar signs fill your
sensitive sighs with
welcomed lies.
Use the past as an excuse.
I won’t say a word.

Or Me

Who will destroy us all?
I’ve got a bad feeling about the
quality of sleep her eyelids boast.
Lucid turned vivid, to hell with this.
She’s the worst in me; dreams and all.

Monday, April 23, 2012

One Year

Kissing halts, hips left unwrapped:
carnal displays. (Illegal tender.)
Another round of oh shit recognitions.
And it’s my mistake.
It’s not that I don’t fancy you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Black Box

Providing a more manageable mediocre,
keeping daily grind
in mind and side-effects aside.
Thoughts tossed, marked unjust, and
replaced by ever increasing milligrams.
Kick back my comrade.
Our heads are balloons until,
like everything else,
they flatten too.
Tongue reaching out for once thought
solutions, only finding reuptake inhibitions
and adverse interactions.
Ex-helping hand found cause,
driving us mad.


Greener, I hope its greener there.
I hope its somewhere you’ve wanted to be
for far too long to hold out any longer.
You won’t do your own talking.
Cast aside any future plans because
you had to leave tonight, no goodbyes in mind.
So leave in peace you selfish piece.
I’ll always love you but won’t know why.
Still, with any luck its greener there.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rich Girl

Temper at bay,
only arm’s reach.
Don’t say something you don’t mean.
Lucky her I’m lazy these days.
Don’t find it worth the effort
to leave her in shambles.

Friday, April 6, 2012


What’s the worst that could happen?
Everything that did.
I echo my shadow’s disappearing act
and don’t let you in on the joke.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Ears ring at the thought.
Starting over, losing sounds.
Lips hide words.
Here I am. Listening.
Ears ring.
It seems I’ve lost
every pitch we ever shared.


Gliding past still vessels,
fallen wayside.
Eyes: dried, eager.
Prying meaning from
language, awkwardly expressed,
by your limbs.
Talking to myself, I suppose.